
Change.  It is inevitable.  As hard as you just want to stop the process from happening, you will end up feeling as if you have been tumbled around in the surf of your favourite beach location on a windy day with the waves crashing around you.  I have been always moved by the concept of change, and this can be that I was always looking for what was my happiness.  If there was a change, then clearly happiness would be a result of it.  This is not necessarily true when YOU might be the one who needs to change and find your own internal happiness.  Welcome to the last month of total insight.

I took a huge leap of faith by attending a training program back in Canada to leave what I have grown accustomed to in Kauai.  I was enjoying the time that I never had while I was working my Full Time job and when my job came to an end because of a change, aka  the Resort was sold.  I felt that this was a sign, the next change and adventure in my life.  Within four days of receiving the invitation to attend, I booked a flight and then did my best to pack up what I needed to start this new adventure.   Yes, I cried on the way to the airport, in the airport, seeing people that I knew in the airport, on the plane, and then when I would get home.  My soul was crying out, but I was determined to make this new plan work.

However, the plan wasn’t for my adventure in life.  You see, God has a way of having you learn really important lessons in His timing.  He was like, ok Lynsay – you want to do this on your own, and be excited about what could be, but I have a bigger and better plan for you and this is not going to be easy.  You will feel as if you have been hurt and disappointed, but this is part of the growing process for you.  Take each moment that you encounter with joy and love, and grow from it.  Get to know you.  Get to understand how you can help others, and do not let what you see as disappointment to stop you from growing.

This here is a snippet of what change is happening in my life, but it first started within my heart.  This journey is not easy, but if you stick to it, you will be rewarded in ways that you could never imagine.  Life is one huge adventure and one amazing opportunity to connect and love on so many wonderful people that you encounter each day.  Share the joy and excitement in your soul, be a radiant beam of encouragement, and go and make the most of each day.

What will I do next?  That is a question that I ask daily and pray on.  For the longest time, I have always felt moved to be my own business owner, so stay tuned, this could be that big plan that awaits me next.

Lots of love and Aloha from this girl hanging out in Kauai.


Slow down.


This is a time of change, and although I come off as being like I can go with it, adaptable to whatever might come my way, I am scared of it. I have always been the one who was like, YES – I am ready for a huge shift in my life, I am ready to get on the next adventure that comes my way, YES YES YES! But right now, it is more of a hesitant yes, or nothing even close to that response.

I am always on the move. There is something that I have to do, somewhere I have to be, and there is not a time to just sit and relax. I think of that idea, of just being. Taking in the morning to a slow start, not having to do anything. But this is a choice we all have. I choose to be busy, I choose to say I need to be somewhere. I choose to fill my day with activity, and not take the time to stop.

Today – I chose to be different. I chose to not shower when I first woke up (yep, that’s probably gross, but I don’t think that I smell yet). I didn’t do my ritual of perfectly making up my bed and putting all of the pillows in the correct place. I didn’t even open up my blinds. Earth shattering – I know! I thew on shorts, a bikini top because I don’t believe in traditional type of bras during the weekend – why be uncomfortable when you can be comfy right? (Oh the Sports Bra is another blog/entry/chapter to come) And I got in my car and drove to Hanalei – with all of the windows down and no music. No radio, no Spotify, no nothing – just the sound of nature. Letting the breeze roll into the car as I slowly drove down to Hanalei.

Yes – I drove slowly. Well, probably more of the posted speed limit – and usually I am moving a bit faster than I should. Today was different. Today I finally – FINALLY – looked around, embraced the beauty, listened to the birds, and I was OK with the silence that I was in. I am always around so many amazing people, with my group of friends, when I teach epic classes and in my career. I say that I want quiet time, but I don’t create any time to have that. Today I carved out the time. And you know what – I feel like I am on some super crazy awesome one of a kind type of high, which is naturally created, and I feel energized. So – friends – take the quiet time and really do it.

Back to the morning – I stopped at Holy Grail Donuts, which are only open on a Sunday to be there a few minutes before they open. I ordered a box of donuts (only 4 in the boxes here), got a coffee and just sat. I waited patiently for the order to be made to perfection. Once they called my name, I went with the goods, drove to the beach, and walked there taking in every single thing around me, down to the sand in my toes through my Olukai slippers. I began to become over whelmed with the gratitude that I have, and don’t fully acknowledge to this life that I live. I walked down the beach path in awe, thinking – I really live here – this is my home. How in the world do I not even come down here and see this beauty more often?

Today I chose to step out of being a creature of habit. To be present in the moment. To be grateful for all of the things that surround me. Right now I am in a time of change, and I am holding on so tightly for that change not to happen. Ultimately, I am scared. Scared for what the future might hold, where I might be, that I don’t fully live the way that I have imagined it to be in my mind. And I will end on this today – and I will have to listen and take my own advice here – do not be afraid, and take in the present moment. The future is the future, it is not right now. There are things that you can not totally control – like the type of Work Permit you are on and the Company selling to another brand which your documentation is not for. Sometimes things are out of your own hands, but how YOU decide to react to it, what YOU decide to do, and if you listen to the inner guidance, YOU are supported and YOU will be super fine. Life is an adventure, life is a blessing, life is what you make of it, and go out there and make it a beautiful one.

Lots of love from Kauai!


The Specialist of being a Generalist

IMG_4613If there could be the perfect career title that could sum up what I do, and I want I have always wanted to do would be just this – A Specialist of being a Generalist. I look up to those who have dedicated years upon years of becoming a specialist in their desired field of interest. That takes a whole lot of determination, focus, and time dedicated to the craft. I just want to name a few of things that I have dabbled in, and still want to achieve in this beauty of a life:

Achieved: Wandering the world on a Cruise Ship training, mentoring, HR’ing it up; dancing and singing for Disney on a Cruise Ship; Merchandise and Attractions at Disney too; opening up retail stores in Toronto; Candy Factory night shifts; Grocery Store days and nights; Yoga teaching; Spin teaching; Worshiping and so much more.

Yet to achieve: Flight Attendant, Peloton Specialist and Instructor, Wellness Advisor, Motivational speaker to the masses, Fitness model to motivate others, VP of Engagement in Hotels, Entrepreneur, Studio Owner, Home Owner on the ocean, and I am sure there are way more to add.

I admire those who can focus on one single area and become so well known to being in that speciality. What is my strength and weakness? That would be the power of networking. Not in the sense of network marketing, but more of keeping in touch with those, reaching out to others, and getting myself to be known. This can work out for the positive, and then there is always the opposite. I had one of those experiences today, as I truly believe that I can do pretty much anything that I set my mind to. However, if you waste the time of someone else because you are not truly 100% in it to win it, then don’t even bother to hit send, or reach out, whatever it might be.

That is my lesson for today – taking on so much, believing that I can do everything and anything (because we can), but not being 100% dedicated to each connection.

So let’s sum up what I really want you to take away from this over due blog of my thoughts – even if you are like me, wanting to be a Specialist of being a Generalist – let’s do things with all of our focus, our desires are in place, and then we continue to add those little check marks besides the boxes of all that we truly want to achieve in life. There is no right or wrong to being a Generalist or a Specialist – as long as you love what you do, and do what you love!

Aloha from Kauai!


Beautiful and Strong

I am very lucky and I hope you are lucky too!  It’s not because of where I live, what I do, or whatever you might define to be deemed to be “lucky”.  The reason that I am lucky is that I have some amazing, brilliant, determined, strong people in my life.  I have been very lucky to either have had the opportunity to work with these individuals, be around them for a short period of time, or be born into a family with strong ties, bonds, and so much love.

Today I want to really highlight the Beautiful and Strong Ladies in my life and here is a great photo of the two of them today (yes, this is a selfie)… Grandma and my Momma.


Growing up, I was determined to leave home.  To get out of Ontario, to just go somewhere else.  Never happy, never satisfied, wondering what more was out there to explore.  My Grandma and Mom never doubted me, they never told me that I was crazy to dream big ideas or to want to explore more.  They were always there, believing in me no matter what.  I am sure they had reserved feelings about some of my not so wonderful decisions in life, but I was never made to feel as if I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, driven enough, because I was always enough to achieve whatever I set my heart and dreams to make a reality.

Although my Grandma would LOVE for me to be at home, I have to admit she was the one who once found a cute little Hawaiian themed knick-knack at a garage sale and bought it for me.  Knowing that I am a bit of a free spirit who loves to bring joy to others, she supports me. These two wonderful women have brought so much joy and love into my life, and I love when I get to see them together on FaceTime, and of course, when I am home to be just with them.

My Mom did whatever she could to support me and at 35, I can’t imagine how she did this.  She always put me first in my development, and she worked hard.  Very hard.  My grandparents did the same for her and I am sure that if you go back along the family lineage, it would be the same story but in a different time.  I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have the strong network of amazing family and friends to support all of the wild dreams and visions that I have.

Go and show some love to those Beautiful and Strong people in your life today.  You can make a difference in a very positive way, go out and do it.  Make someone smile because you told them how awesome they really are to you and maybe this is something you don’t say enough.

Lots of Aloha from Kauai.




Write. Just Write. Do it.

I made a note to myself this late afternoon that said “write tonight”.  So here I am.  Writing to my audience, writing to fulfill the next goal to my dreams, writing to bring you joy, laughs, imagination in the words you see, the senses you create, and more.

Let’s start with something pretty intense.  Life is beautiful.  Life is precious.  Life is short, make the most of it.  I can only imagine that you have heard this so many times in the span of your gorgeous life so far, but the matter of the fact is…it is a true statement.  We can take each day for granted believing that we will wake up with another day ahead of us.  We look to the future without being in the present.  We dwell in the past, not thinking of the current moment.

Why can’t we just live in the moment?  Just embrace all that is around us, take the minute to look around and see what is there, not just a quick glance.  The other day I took this photo right below, and I can never get enough of this view.  What does it say to you?  Is this just another photo of a beautiful location, or is it majestic, powerful, ever-changing creation?  Only you can really decide, but every day that I am blessed to see this, I feel so small in this great big world.

FullSizeRender 3

Today I dare you to live your dream.  How do you do it?  Start with a goal, start with what you can achieve today?  What brings you a step closer to completing your goal.  If you don’t know what it is, that is ok. But, ask yourself a few questions, and here it is (hold on tight) – What LIGHTS you up?  What brings a SMILE to your face?  What is the thing you would do if you had the opportunity and nothing ever held you back?  And then you can continue and ask yourself more questions like – What does my ideal day look like?  How would I feel if I achieved this day?  How do I treat those around me?  How do I inspire others?

I will continue to write.  I have taken a long break, and I have gone through quite the ups and downs, like we all do.  But I have a goal, and I have a dream, and you never want to share it right away, as sometimes it is great to keep things somewhat of a secret (which I have a hard time doing when I am excited about it), but everything is coming together to really make a difference.  And what do I want to do?  Make a difference in a positive way for people – because, people are what matter to me most.  Money will come and go, material possessions can also come and go, but the impact you can make on someone, be it positive or negative, is something that money/material objects/etc can never buy.  I am here to make a positive impact in many lives (hundred, thousands, millions, and beyond), and the fun has just begun.


04/11/18 – make it great.




Goals. Vision. Action


I am a big believer in setting goals and achieving them, having a vision and making it a reality, and not giving up when it can get tough and just continuing to take action.  A year ago I embarked on an eight year goal in the making which was to live and work in Hawaii.  I did whatever I could to make this goal a reality, and I could have settled for less and kept my goal and dream as one of “I wish” to have achieved instead of being “I did” achieve.

Since moving to Hawaii, I didn’t understand what that next ultimate goal or vision to work towards was until recently.  It was almost a year of reflecting on the achievements, strides, and failures that had brought me to this exact moment of wondering, what I am going to do next.  I am not one to just stop and not continue to move forward.  However, I felt stuck in the “what will I do next”.

During the course of my first year on Kauai, I have done things that I would never have thought was possible.  I had the ability to Stage Manage at local events, sing in a beautifully talented worship team on both the North and South of Kauai, and now I am teaching Spin class.  Using my God given talents, embracing the community with encouragement, praise, and good deeds, brightens my day during the tough times.

I love being able to make a positive impact on the community, and that really does light me up.  What is next?  Well, it will bring me back to the continually evolving drawing board to make the next goal a complete, well rounded, detailed, one with a vision to make the wildest dreams a reality.  Like the well spoken Walt Disney once said, “If you can dream it, you can do it”.  So what do you want to dream and do?

Start today.  Not tomorrow.  Make a Goal.  Build a Vision.  Take Action.

Aloha from Kauai on this Family Day in Ontario and President’s Day in the USA.

Friday Night Thoughts – Time to Grow


I remember as a teenager, sitting in front of the TV on a blanket imagining someone special beside me as I would watch shows like “Saved by the Bell” or whatever would be popular at the time. While others at my age would be starting to date, or at least have the opposite sex interested in them, I sat on my own, wondering when someone would want to date me.

20 years later, the same girl who used to sit in front of the TV imagining someone special beside her, is now laying on her bed in a studio apartment in Hawaii wondering the exact same thing. Why would it be that the only thing that seemed to be missing from a well put together life would be someone to share it with? Perhaps it was that living in another Country, away from the comfort of family and friends, had a bit of an absence to it that maybe would be filled with the desire of another human being. It could be that being alone was not the ultimate goal, and at 34 almost going on 35, the concept of being single was as if to be rejected, not fitting into society. Maybe it was a replay from the years of the past which were hard to embrace, from being made fun of, to settling for the moment and not staying true to the heart, and then being disappointed from relationships that turned out to be no more than a distant memory.

Whatever it was, it was not the way that one should spend a Friday night. Sitting at home, alone, and being stirred up by emotions that do not help for a full night of solid sleep. With that feeling in mind, this girl, being me, has decided to live and embrace each day to the fullest, to live as if anything is possible, because it is, and to throw away all of the negative stuff of the past and make room for the new. I have held on to this junk for way to long, so farewell, adios, enjoy the trip to the past where you belong.

I will live with zest, with excitement, and with passion. I will be true to myself and know that I am perfect just the way I am and I love me. I know that in the right timing, everything will fall into place, and these Friday nights of solitude with be nights filled of laughter, company, and increased gratitude.

Perhaps being alone is part of my growth at the moment. The part that hurts so much, but builds one into a stronger character.

“Change and growth is so painful, but necessary for us to evolve.”
-Sarah McLachlan

The power of Kauai – 3 months in

Tomorrow I celebrate being on Kauai for 3 months.  I can not believe that the time has gone by so fast, although I have had a quick trip home to Canada in this time with also two mini trips to Honolulu.  Other than that, I have lived in the hotel for 30 days, had my Mom visit for just under 2 weeks, had my friend from Maui come and stay for a few days, and many adventures in between.

This blog is all about the power of Kauai and what I feel is happening to me.  I am changing.  I am becoming a better version of me, and it is taking a lot of work to get to this point of getting to know who I am.  I have been told many things by people all around me, but who really cares about what they think – it all comes down to how you feel inside and what YOU truly believe.

I have come here for a reason.  Probably for a few more life lessons, but more importantly, I feel that I have reached home.  I have constantly had this stir in me to go and move somewhere, do something different, but all I want to do on Kauai is settle.  I feel at home, I feel at peace, and I am ready for what my next adventure will entail.

Kauai is stirring up possibilities in me.  It is aligning me with my purpose to help others, create adventures, and be the best that I can be to help those in need.  Kauai is creating a more nurturing side in me, even through the tough times in my job, or challenges with others around me, I am becoming a more loving, caring soul.  I never really had the ultimate true feeling to settle and have my own Ohana…and here, I feel that this is possible.  It is time to grow up and share the love that I have.  It is time to expand my horizons.  It is time to fully embrace Kauai!

In the morning I now start with a short Yoga practice, followed by my daily devotion, and then about 20 minutes of positive affirmations to get my day started.  I then go to work, and on my short 3 minute drive to work, I embrace the beauty all around me.  I go to work with a clear mind and then do what I need to do and get out.  Once I leave work, I don’t bring it home with me.  I get to see the beauty of the North Shore of Kauai and I head home to do either a walk in the area, practice my ukulele, jump in the pool, another round of Yoga, or just sit on the lanai and have a glass of wine and share my thoughts.

So – who is ready to come and enjoy Kauai?  Make it happen.  Just do it – at least then you can say you were able to visit the oldest island in the chain of Hawaiian Islands.  Kauai – you are magic.  You are wonder.  You are part of our Creator, and you are marvellous.


Aloha all around.


If anyone has ever grown to know me, seen me, been around me enough, you will know that I have lots of love to give – to share – to bring joy to others – to fully embrace what I believe is to live in the spirit of Aloha.

From the lil piggy at Foodland that runs around, to the Pickles the Pool Cat who has been left behind by an owner who moved back to the Mainland, I just love to love.  The problem with the whole I love everything, is that it can hurt.  Your heart and joy that you would feel bursting out of my soul, can slowly start to diminish within time, but then again, that is one of the blessing and fallbacks of wanting to give so much love to others.

Currently, I am in an awesome state of love, joy, beauty, calmness, excitement, adventure, and I can’t believe each amazing day that I get to live out here on Kauai.  Now, I am sure that my days in Ontario, my days on a Cruise Ship somewhere in the middle of the ocean or in port, and even my days in Whistler had an element of this, but nothing as strong and dynamic as what I experience on a daily basis.  There is a magic to Kauai.  There is something that has drawn me here, and every day I get closer to what I am meant to learn here.

I have met some wonderful people so far, I have been to events that I would never have imagined that I would be present at, and at the same time, I feel as if I have been here for more than 3 months.  Now, back to my love for everything – it is growing here.  I am learning to let go of the past, to believe in myself and the infinite abilities that I have with the power of our Creator who is guiding me in the right direction.  I have held on to so much, and that can be why I couldn’t feel this abundance around me wherever I was before.  However, no matter where you go, there you are.  Maybe this journey right now in my life is setting me up for one wild ride, but allowing me to finally move forward.

Excitement is all around.  Adventure does exist.  With the ever changing coastline, to the intensity of the ocean, the energy of the island is one of nurture and guidance.  I know that I am about to stumble on something so crazy awesome that I can not even imagine what it will be.  The energy is building around me, the excitement is growing, and I feel that I am finally coming into my own.

Creativity will resume.  Laughs will continue.  Local food will be consumed, and many more memories will be made.

Now life – this is what I believe it is to be.  To be shared with those you love, to show others that you love, to continually be in a state of abundance of joy with no blinders on, and to give gratitude to all and everything around.  This post comes from the bottom of my heart, and I do hope that it inspires you to live each and every single day with the utmost exuberance for life, a sparkle in your eyes, and never look back.

Aloha from me to you on this beautiful night in Kauai.



Island Life – The bits


Aloha Friends, Family, and WordPress Readers

So, it is a bit unbelievable to see that the last post I did was titled “Last day of 33”, which would mean that I wrote it back in October 2016.  Quite a bit has changed since that last post and some highlights include: Trip to Hawaii, Month in Hawaii for work in December, New Years Eve shenanigans in Maui, back to Canada, job offer in Kauai, March 29th – fly to Kauai.  May 1st – here I am.  Return of the post (for those old-school, you can play the song Return on the Mack in your head while reading that line).

My one month in Kauai has provided me with many experiences, challenges, exciting adventures, and questions.  Questions that were easily answered back in Canada, or you can say the mainland.  Areas of interest and need, like where do you get waxed? Is there threading available?  What about a hair stylist? Nails? I was very lucky back in Ontario where this was readily available.  Here – you must really plan it out, ask around, and be prepared to spend a bit more than you are used to.  I miss Fuzz Waxbar so much.  My normal $38/month spend will be around $70 minimum here.  So good ol Lady Bic came out, and that was a bad idea.  Repeat – BAD IDEA.

My lighter colour of hair is slowly coming in and when the sun hits it, it starts to go even more lighter.  My once all very dark black hair is becoming a reverse balayage with my fantastic floating roots.  It is all very stylish right now, according to me.  Until I find someone who can take me in on a Saturday, then I will continue to grow the natural colour.  Daring – I know.

Manicure and pedicure – I let the natural elements of the sand, ocean, and work stress fix that.  Threading – nothing a good tweezer can’t fix, and laundry – I will find a place to wash my clothes. I will just think that I am saving precious water for the time being.

However, would I give this island life up? No.  Every great adventure has to come with challenges, or the journey will not be one that will continue to grow you, mold you, help you become a stronger leader, friend, and traveller.  One day I will look back and say, that was good time and think of everything you achieved.  It’s ok that you had only one sink in your studio condo, you became very creative,and now look at you.  You have two sinks – the dream is real!

If you are thinking of making a big life move – DO IT.  If you want to move somewhere remote like Hawaii – DO IT.  If you want to even go and try a new class out at the gym – DO IT.  Life is an adventure.  Life is sacred.  Life is the precious gift given by your Creator, and you can be the one who believes who that is, but make the most of it and share your love all around.

Aloha my friends.  There will be much more to come!

Lyns x