
Change.  It is inevitable.  As hard as you just want to stop the process from happening, you will end up feeling as if you have been tumbled around in the surf of your favourite beach location on a windy day with the waves crashing around you.  I have been always moved by the concept of change, and this can be that I was always looking for what was my happiness.  If there was a change, then clearly happiness would be a result of it.  This is not necessarily true when YOU might be the one who needs to change and find your own internal happiness.  Welcome to the last month of total insight.

I took a huge leap of faith by attending a training program back in Canada to leave what I have grown accustomed to in Kauai.  I was enjoying the time that I never had while I was working my Full Time job and when my job came to an end because of a change, aka  the Resort was sold.  I felt that this was a sign, the next change and adventure in my life.  Within four days of receiving the invitation to attend, I booked a flight and then did my best to pack up what I needed to start this new adventure.   Yes, I cried on the way to the airport, in the airport, seeing people that I knew in the airport, on the plane, and then when I would get home.  My soul was crying out, but I was determined to make this new plan work.

However, the plan wasn’t for my adventure in life.  You see, God has a way of having you learn really important lessons in His timing.  He was like, ok Lynsay – you want to do this on your own, and be excited about what could be, but I have a bigger and better plan for you and this is not going to be easy.  You will feel as if you have been hurt and disappointed, but this is part of the growing process for you.  Take each moment that you encounter with joy and love, and grow from it.  Get to know you.  Get to understand how you can help others, and do not let what you see as disappointment to stop you from growing.

This here is a snippet of what change is happening in my life, but it first started within my heart.  This journey is not easy, but if you stick to it, you will be rewarded in ways that you could never imagine.  Life is one huge adventure and one amazing opportunity to connect and love on so many wonderful people that you encounter each day.  Share the joy and excitement in your soul, be a radiant beam of encouragement, and go and make the most of each day.

What will I do next?  That is a question that I ask daily and pray on.  For the longest time, I have always felt moved to be my own business owner, so stay tuned, this could be that big plan that awaits me next.

Lots of love and Aloha from this girl hanging out in Kauai.
