Shaping Your Own Destiny

Is it possible to be able to shape or even create your own destiny? 

Destiny is defined as something to which a person or thing is destined; a predetermined course of events often held to be an irresistible power or agency.  With this definition in mind, I have been thinking of the recent events in my life, which have brought me to where I am today. 

At the age of 30, I had imagined my life to be completely different to what I am living today.  I had thought I would have been married, living in my own modern-style house, and driving fancy cars, but this is all materialistic – except for the married part.   However, I always knew as a child that I was destined to be doing something different, something unique, something that would inspire others.  I wanted to be a performer, travelling from venue to venue, being on stage, having people watch me as I made them smile. 

Do you believe in destiny?  Do you believe in fate?  Do you believe that there is a natural order in which things are predetermined?  Or, do you just live in the moment and let things be?  Do you try to control a situation, and the outcome ends up being out of your control?

I do believe that I am destined to do something extremely exciting.  I feel that this is just around the corner, waiting to be explored and shared with others.  I do believe in fate and destiny.  I do believe that I will be an influence on others, and maybe this will be a small scale as opposed to the belief I had as a child.  If I can continue to do a least one good deed a day, and bring a smile to someone, I can say that I am satisfied.

A positive mantra to start your day with can go something like this, to get you in the right mindset to make your wildest dreams and desires come to be a reality one day:

“I am destined for greatness.  I am to be the best person that I can be today.  Today, I will learn and challenge myself to continue to grow and develop.  I am loved, and I am love.  Today, I will dedicate myself to the possibility of anything and not let negative self-talk or words of others bring me down.  Today I am powerful, I am wonderful, and I love who I am.”

So go ahead, shape your own destiny.  See what it will bring about.  See you there!



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