Beautiful and Strong

I am very lucky and I hope you are lucky too!  It’s not because of where I live, what I do, or whatever you might define to be deemed to be “lucky”.  The reason that I am lucky is that I have some amazing, brilliant, determined, strong people in my life.  I have been very lucky to either have had the opportunity to work with these individuals, be around them for a short period of time, or be born into a family with strong ties, bonds, and so much love.

Today I want to really highlight the Beautiful and Strong Ladies in my life and here is a great photo of the two of them today (yes, this is a selfie)… Grandma and my Momma.


Growing up, I was determined to leave home.  To get out of Ontario, to just go somewhere else.  Never happy, never satisfied, wondering what more was out there to explore.  My Grandma and Mom never doubted me, they never told me that I was crazy to dream big ideas or to want to explore more.  They were always there, believing in me no matter what.  I am sure they had reserved feelings about some of my not so wonderful decisions in life, but I was never made to feel as if I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, driven enough, because I was always enough to achieve whatever I set my heart and dreams to make a reality.

Although my Grandma would LOVE for me to be at home, I have to admit she was the one who once found a cute little Hawaiian themed knick-knack at a garage sale and bought it for me.  Knowing that I am a bit of a free spirit who loves to bring joy to others, she supports me. These two wonderful women have brought so much joy and love into my life, and I love when I get to see them together on FaceTime, and of course, when I am home to be just with them.

My Mom did whatever she could to support me and at 35, I can’t imagine how she did this.  She always put me first in my development, and she worked hard.  Very hard.  My grandparents did the same for her and I am sure that if you go back along the family lineage, it would be the same story but in a different time.  I wouldn’t be here today if I didn’t have the strong network of amazing family and friends to support all of the wild dreams and visions that I have.

Go and show some love to those Beautiful and Strong people in your life today.  You can make a difference in a very positive way, go out and do it.  Make someone smile because you told them how awesome they really are to you and maybe this is something you don’t say enough.

Lots of Aloha from Kauai.




Write. Just Write. Do it.

I made a note to myself this late afternoon that said “write tonight”.  So here I am.  Writing to my audience, writing to fulfill the next goal to my dreams, writing to bring you joy, laughs, imagination in the words you see, the senses you create, and more.

Let’s start with something pretty intense.  Life is beautiful.  Life is precious.  Life is short, make the most of it.  I can only imagine that you have heard this so many times in the span of your gorgeous life so far, but the matter of the fact is…it is a true statement.  We can take each day for granted believing that we will wake up with another day ahead of us.  We look to the future without being in the present.  We dwell in the past, not thinking of the current moment.

Why can’t we just live in the moment?  Just embrace all that is around us, take the minute to look around and see what is there, not just a quick glance.  The other day I took this photo right below, and I can never get enough of this view.  What does it say to you?  Is this just another photo of a beautiful location, or is it majestic, powerful, ever-changing creation?  Only you can really decide, but every day that I am blessed to see this, I feel so small in this great big world.

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Today I dare you to live your dream.  How do you do it?  Start with a goal, start with what you can achieve today?  What brings you a step closer to completing your goal.  If you don’t know what it is, that is ok. But, ask yourself a few questions, and here it is (hold on tight) – What LIGHTS you up?  What brings a SMILE to your face?  What is the thing you would do if you had the opportunity and nothing ever held you back?  And then you can continue and ask yourself more questions like – What does my ideal day look like?  How would I feel if I achieved this day?  How do I treat those around me?  How do I inspire others?

I will continue to write.  I have taken a long break, and I have gone through quite the ups and downs, like we all do.  But I have a goal, and I have a dream, and you never want to share it right away, as sometimes it is great to keep things somewhat of a secret (which I have a hard time doing when I am excited about it), but everything is coming together to really make a difference.  And what do I want to do?  Make a difference in a positive way for people – because, people are what matter to me most.  Money will come and go, material possessions can also come and go, but the impact you can make on someone, be it positive or negative, is something that money/material objects/etc can never buy.  I am here to make a positive impact in many lives (hundred, thousands, millions, and beyond), and the fun has just begun.


04/11/18 – make it great.

